Thursday 9 December 2010

My Mentor - Reflection

Personal Tutor/Mentor Meeting Reflection

I currently run the NPI (new product introduction) facility at Perkins Engines, where we are going through an aggressive NPI engine program, I have just started a foundation degree at Peterborough University and I have a new born son who is now 9 weeks old. At the moment I am on top of my work, although there is a lot. I found the mentoring session very useful, as when you have so much going on in your life, be it on a professional level, or a private basis, it is always good to have somebody, who has experienced all the thing s I am currently going through, give you reassurance that you are going in the right direction. There was also an opportunity for my mentor to give me some guidance to show how I could improve the way I am doing things with some constructive criticism.

How the Mentor Meeting Helped Me

The mentor meeting, for me, was more about reassurance than anything else. The mentor did a good job in reassuring me that my PDP work was good and that my research paper was heading in the right direction. This reassurance was like a second wind to me. It gave me the confidence to throw myself into the work I was doing knowing full well it was what the tutor wanted to see. I think it was important to me that my mentor was a lot more experienced than me, and that they possessed the skill to pass the wisdom that they have gained, through experience to me. The informal approach to the mentoring session also suited me, as it helped me to relax, which in turn meant I felt I could be completely honest with my mentor.

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